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Welcome to the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Chapter of Project Linus.  We hope you find here answers to your questions as well as an outlet for your creativity and caring. The children of Bernalillo County are waiting for the loving warmth of your blanket creations.

This baby is a patient at one of many locations where the Albuquerque Chapter of Project Linus delivers your gifts of comfort and love.  
See the page titled Mission/Who We Serve 
to learn more about 
other agencies that
receive your blankets.  
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Latest News and Updates

Make a Blanket Day
Thank you to everyone who helped make isolette covers for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at UNM hospital on Make a Blanket Day. We made 40 blankets for the babies in the NICU.

Joanns Fabrics closing
Joanns Fabrics has been purchased by a liquidator and all stores will be closing at the end of May. We can no longer use Joanns as a place for blanketeers to drop off quilts. Please go to the tab for Blanket Drop off sites to see where you can drop off blankets.    

Fundraising Opportunity
In the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County chapter we use most of our funds to buy yarn, batting and other supplies used to make blankets. The National Project Linus organization is running a fundraiser for its chapters to make money. It is called Scappy Sewing with Patty. For $20, you will get 7 beginner friendly patterns for quilts you can make with all your scraps. We know you have them. :)

You can help us by signing up for the fundraiser at https://www.projectlinus.org/scrappy.php.
When you sign up you can designate a Project Linus chapter that will get $18 of your $20 donation. Our chapter is Albuquerque/Bernalillo County, and the chapter coordinator is Dorthe Carr. 

Thank you so much for your support of our mission.

The Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Project Linus Chapter, established January 1999, has provided about 91600 blankets to children in distress. January, 2025 

For information on the National Project Linus Organization, 
see www.projectlinus.org